Full-time Faculty

Yaw-Shyan Tsay

Sustainability and Environmental Control / Professor / Vice Dean of College of Planning and Design

Sustainability and Environmental Control / Professor / Vice Dean of College of Planning and Design


Ph.D. in Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan
M.S. in Architecture, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan Taiwan
B.S. in Architecture, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan Taiwan

Expertise & Research Interests

Building Physics and Building Equipment System
Building Performance Simulation and Sustainable Design
Indoor Environmental Quality
Healthy Buildings
Architectural Acoustics
Green Building Material

Sustainable Building Engineering for Design (SBED Lab.)

The research issues of SBED Lab. focus on issues related to sustainable building design and indoor environmental quality (IEQ). Sustainable design issues including the interaction of building envelope and nature environment, and the IEQ including day-lighting, thermal comfort, air quality and acoustics.

SBED Lab. cooperates with industry for R&D for a long time and assists manufacturers to increase their competitiveness through technology (including obtaining patents). We also assisted the government in the development of the policies of green building materials, which has a considerable benefit to building materials related industries.