Architectural & Environmental Planning / Distinguished Professor
Dr-Ing., RWTH Aachen University, Germany
KMG Architect, Japan
Expertise & Research Interests
Environmental education field
Environmental education outcome
Strategy of environment planning
Institute for Environmental and Behavioral Studies, IEBS
Institute for Environmental and Behavioral Studies, IEBS Environmental behavioral studies are the base of architectural and environmental planning. We, IEBS, make these issues of the interaction between environment and behavior as our start. Aiming to discover the structural and profound relation corresponded to the interaction between localized people and environment, and feedback to designers and planners as localized knowledge.
Environmental education field; environmental education outcome; strategy of environment planning
In recent years, with the promulgation and implementation of the “Environmental Education Law”, our country has paid more attention to the relationship between human and environment. To achieve the purpose of sustainable development, it is important to enhance the environmental ethics and responsibility of the entire people. “Environmental Education Field” is the place to execute environmental education. The usage of the environmental education fields due to their local characteristics and various environmental resources can awake the environmental consciousness of visitors and further prompt their environmental literacy. According to our previous research, the "physical environment & quot; also plays an important role besides staff and course in the environmental education fields, it has a 66% total effect on the improvement of environmental literacy. Thus, the “physical environment” of the environmental education field is crucial to promote environmental literacy, and its planning and design become an important issue. This research will be based on architectural prospects to find out the key points of designing a high quality environmental education field which can promote the environmental attitude and literacy of visitors. Focusing on managing the “physical environment” of the educational fields, the investment includes management, staffing, finance, maintenance of software and hardware and the usage of environmental resources etc. to find out key planning and design strategies in the outstanding cases. These planning and design strategies can also become firm reference to managers of environmental education fields.